Why Not Nursing Homes?

Oftentimes, individuals with developmental disabilities require specialized care that their families cannot provide.  Or perhaps, a parent is aging and needs to develop a life plan for their adult child when they are no longer able to meet the needs of their loved one.

At times, the only obvious solution is to place their family member into a nursing home.   In rural areas, it sometimes is the only choice available if wanting to stay within that area.

While nursing homes are a viable housing option, your loved one deserves more than just a place to live.  They deserve an opportunity to live an ordinary life, just like the rest of us.   They deserve the freedom to participate in their communities, doing what they love to do.  They deserve a chance to thrive.  They deserve a chance to fail.

Boone Supported Living will unveil alternatives; alternatives that can maximize both protection and freedom for people with developmentally disabilities.

Individualized Supported Living

One nursing home alternative we offer is in the form of an individualized supported living home.   With this model, Boone Supported Living locates a home to meet identified needs and housemates to share living costs.  We also provide as much support staff and transportation as is needed.   This model is best implemented in cities with mid to large population bases, which offer a plethora of choices for entertainment, community connection, and medical care.

Host Homes

A second option to nursing home care is available through our host home program.  Boone Supported Living locates and trains families interested in opening their home to individuals with developmental disabilities and pairs them with a “client”.  This alternative’s strength is the relational bond that develops between the caregiver, their family, and the individual needing support.

Long term, our dream is to expand the Host Home model into rural America as we believe it is a model that smaller communities can support.  Our CEO’s hometown of 700 people doesn’t have the population base to staff ISLs, but there are many hospitable families willing to take people in and offer support.  In addition, this model enables Host Home families to earn a living wage in parts of the state where jobs are scarce.

Support Brokerage

Sometimes, families aren’t ready to release their loved one in to the world, but they need assistance in order to care for this individual at home.

Through the Self-Directed Support (SDS) service model, families/individuals hire their own staff and are in control of all aspects of care with the guidance and support of a Support Broker with Boone Supported Living.  SDS has funding to help keep your loved one at home for as long as possible and we can help you access it.

If you have a family member who requires specialized support because of a developmental disability, there are alternatives to nursing home care.
Boone Supported Living building Columbia, Missouri

Contact Boone Supported Living today by calling (573) 514-7662 to discover the best alternative for the one you love.