Job Opportunities
- Lead with humility and professionalism.
- See Something. Hear Something. DO Something!
- Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.
- Enrich the lives of our individuals. Build relationships and engage with consumers. – Measured by annual consumer satisfaction surveys
- Complete all required documentation. – Measured by Lead Measure percentages
- Team Player – Build feelings of mutual support: attendance, punctuality, going above and beyond… – Measured by peer reviews
Enriching Lives
- Exhibit humble and professional leadership with your individuals.
- KNOW YOUR INDIVIDUALS. Know their likes and dislikes. Know how to best communicate with them. Know their medical needs. Know their stories. Know their IPs.
- Greet them when you arrive and say goodbye when you leave. We are guests in their homes.
- Have fun and enjoy your time at work.
- Actively engage with your individuals through conversation and activities.
- Initiate interactions for your individuals with their peers, their family, their co-workers, etc.
- Teach and model appropriate interpersonal skills with housemates, friends, and the community.
- Teach daily living skills and provide support, where needed.
- Transport your individuals to medical appointments, recreational events, and community outings.
- Ensure their medical needs are met.
- Provide well-balanced meals that they enjoy.
- Support: Detail all the supports that you provided in your daily note.
- Objectives: Complete and document, as directed.
- Medications: Administer as ordered by their physicians and document in MARs.
- Diet: Follow and document any special diet orders.
- Health Tracking: Weights, Seizures, BMs, Vitals, Glucose, etc…complete, and document, as directed.
- GERs: Complete for medical errors, falls, injuries observed or discovered, supports received from emergency responders, suspicions for abuse/neglect, or other unusual incidents.
- Financial: Obtain receipts for all purchases made by your individuals and document as directed.
- Mileage: Document all mileage incurred while transporting your individual in the company and personal vehicles.
Set your team up for success
- Exhibit humble and professional leadership toward your on-coming replacement Communicate what you/individuals did and what they should be prepared for. Ensure your individuals are ready and excited to greet your replacement. Ensure your documentation is complete before leaving your replacement in charge. Ensure your ISL, yard, and company vehicle are clean and ready for their use. Ensure your replacement has the necessary supplies to complete their shift well. (food for menus, meds to administer, gas in the vehicle, etc.) Ensure your replacement has a clear understanding of any activities on the calendar during their shift.
- Exhibit humble and professional leadership with your House Manager Communicate when medications run low Communicate when you notice food/household needs Communicate any behavioral or medical concerns of your individuals Communicate any struggles you are having with your individuals Communicate any struggles you are having with a teammate Communicate any struggles you are having with THEM.
- Exhibit humble and professional leadership in your role as a DSP Keep a cool head when those around you are in a panic. Immediately notify your HM, or the on-call phone when a GER is completed and give full details of the incident. Actively participate in team meetings. Fulfill your commitments and help others succeed in theirs. Be flexible; job expectations and consumer needs often change. Actively engage with professionals and/or family members that visit the ISL during your shift. Operate your social media sites in a professional manner. Your posts reflect on BSL. When in the community, remember that people are watching you to see how you are performing. Make us all proud.
- See something. Hear Something. DO Something. Know the chain of command and follow it when you identify a problem. DSPs – HMs – PMs – Executive Director – CEO Nurses/Maintenance/Admin – Executive Director – CEO.
- Fill in shifts that are open, as needed, working overtime only when approved by the Scheduling Coordinator.
- Attend weekly Team Meetings.
- As assigned by House Manager.
- High School Diploma or GED
Full-time and Part-time positions available, starting at $13.10/hour. If contacted for an interview, please bring the following with you:
- Proof of education (High School Diploma, GED, College transcript, College Degree)
- Proof of vehicle insurance
- Driver’s License
- Social Security Card
- Proof of any additional trainings relevant to position